Kenya's debt seems mostly owed to China who are following the economic hitman approach where you load a country up on debt they can't repay and when they default you take what you want.


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All this endless going on about American politics is latent American exceptionalism. It's way past mattering. America is unimportant.

And please stop cooperating with the DARPA spin Dr's and stop insulting real, awesome dogs, by calling DARPA's killer robot a dog. Dogs have complex emotions and can form deep bonds with humans and other animals. Like the hand gun, the robot is designed to kill humans.

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Those people in a position to begin reasonable reactions to all of this bad news are not reacting. At least not in any meaningful way. Is it because thry are stupid? Because they just don't care? Are they blind to the issues you bring up here?

No. Not blind. Not stupid. That leaves us with only one reasonable explanation for their lack of action. Disaster, chaos, death and destruction are the goals. Everything is going according to the plan. Going rather well in fact.

You need to destroy the old order to bring in the new. The world's population needs to be controlled. People need a central "Big Brother" government to make them into obedient slaves. You need big problems to sell big solutions.

Nothing is wrong. This is the plan. Give me another reason to believe otherwise.

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Thank you Richard for this gathering of pertinent information and for your analysis...Your work is so very much appreciated...

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