I am just a concern layperson, but it seems to me that Hansen has the scientific high ground here. Falsifiability is the cornerstone of modern science. Hansen says: “We will know by end of 2024 if I am wrong.” Mann says: “I can’t be proven wrong until a decade (or two) has passed and we can give a 10-year average.” While not technically unfalsifiable, it is practically so. Hansen seems more trustworthy because he comes straight out: “This is what I predict. If I’m wrong, here’s how we will know.” He seems like an honest broker.

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Won't you join me? People For High Sulfer Marine Fuels is my new group. I'll be asking for donations and printing up t-shirts, hats and hoodies. And 20 to 40 million excess deaths from air pollution is a good thing. I've read it twice in the comments here, we need population reduction. Don't you see? This solves everything!

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Every one of your articles is a gift and I am grateful for your work. Thank you.

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